Locus No Pilotus
Project of four first grade MIPT DAFE/RSE students (for engineering practical work in the second semester) in Qt C++
No Matches
data_tools::PlotArea Class Reference

Класс, упрощающий управление классами gui на QCustomPlot. More...

#include <plot_area.h>

Collaboration diagram for data_tools::PlotArea:

Public Member Functions

 PlotArea ()=default
 PlotArea (QCustomPlot *plot)
void ClearTrajectory ()
gui::FlyingRobotGetRobot ()
gui::TrajectoryGetTrajectory ()
void ReDraw ()
 Перерисовывает на полотне все объекты и обновляет данные
void ReDrawTrajectory ()
 Перерисовывает на полотне траекторию
void SetAmountOfRobots (unsigned short amount)
void SetPlot (QCustomPlot *plot)
 Устанавливает значение plot.
void Setup (DataManager *manager)
size_t TrajectorySize () const

Private Member Functions

void CalculateTrajectory ()
 Расчет вектора сегментов по заданным объектам на полотне
void CheckHills ()
void CheckIntersectionsBetweenHills ()
void CheckIntersectionsBetweenTrappyCircles ()
void CheckTargets ()
void CheckTrappyCircles ()
void CheckTrappyLines ()

Private Attributes

unsigned short amount_of_robots_ = 1
std::unique_ptr< DataManagermanager_
std::unique_ptr< QCustomPlot > plot_
std::unique_ptr< gui::FlyingRobotrobot_ {new gui::FlyingRobot()}
std::unique_ptr< gui::Trajectorytrajectory_ {new gui::Trajectory()}

Detailed Description

Класс, упрощающий управление классами gui на QCustomPlot.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PlotArea() [1/2]

data_tools::PlotArea::PlotArea ( )

◆ PlotArea() [2/2]

data_tools::PlotArea::PlotArea ( QCustomPlot * plot)
13: plot_{plot} {}
std::unique_ptr< QCustomPlot > plot_
Definition plot_area.h:44

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateTrajectory()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CalculateTrajectory ( )

Расчет вектора сегментов по заданным объектам на полотне

44 {
45 auto lib_targets = std::vector<lib::Target>(manager_->GetTargets().size());
46 for (size_t i = 0; i < lib_targets.size(); i++)
47 lib_targets[i] = manager_->GetTargets()[i].GetData();
49 auto lib_hills = std::vector<lib::Hill>(manager_->GetHills().size());
50 for (size_t i = 0; i < lib_hills.size(); i++)
51 lib_hills[i] = manager_->GetHills()[i].GetData();
53 auto lib_tr_lines =
54 std::vector<lib::TrappyLine>(manager_->GetTrappyLines().size());
55 for (size_t i = 0; i < lib_tr_lines.size(); i++)
56 lib_tr_lines[i] = manager_->GetTrappyLines()[i].GetData();
58 auto lib_tr_circles =
59 std::vector<lib::TrappyCircle>(manager_->GetTrappyCircles().size());
60 for (size_t i = 0; i < lib_tr_circles.size(); i++)
61 lib_tr_circles[i] = manager_->GetTrappyCircles()[i].GetData();
63 trajectory_->Calculate(lib_targets, lib_hills, lib_tr_circles, lib_tr_lines,
65 if (lib_targets.size() > 1) robot_->SetTrajectory(trajectory_.get());
std::unique_ptr< gui::FlyingRobot > robot_
Definition plot_area.h:48
unsigned short amount_of_robots_
Definition plot_area.h:50
std::unique_ptr< DataManager > manager_
Definition plot_area.h:45
std::unique_ptr< gui::Trajectory > trajectory_
Definition plot_area.h:47
void SetTrajectory(gui::Trajectory *trj)
Definition flying_robot.cpp:6
void Calculate(const std::vector< lib::Target > &targets, const std::vector< lib::Hill > &hills, const std::vector< lib::TrappyCircle > &tr_circles, const std::vector< lib::TrappyLine > &tr_lines, unsigned short amount_of_robots)
Расчет вектора сегментов по заданным объектам на полотне
Definition trajectory.cpp:10
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckHills()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckHills ( )
141 {
142 for (const auto& hill : manager_->GetHills()) {
143 // Проверка на пересечения с другими Hill
146 // Проверка на выпуклость многоугольника
147 // Определяем знак векторного произведения
148 QVector2D v1 = QVector2D(hill.GetVertices()[1].x - hill.GetVertices()[0].x,
149 hill.GetVertices()[1].y - hill.GetVertices()[0].y);
150 QVector2D v2 = QVector2D(hill.GetVertices()[2].x - hill.GetVertices()[1].x,
151 hill.GetVertices()[2].y - hill.GetVertices()[1].y);
152 short sign = (v1.x() * v2.y() - v1.y() * v2.x()) /
153 abs(v1.x() * v2.y() - v1.y() * v2.x());
155 size_t sz = hill.GetVertices().size();
156 for (size_t i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
157 QVector2D vec1 = QVector2D(
158 hill.GetVertices()[(i + 1) % sz].x - hill.GetVertices()[i % sz].x,
159 hill.GetVertices()[(i + 1) % sz].y - hill.GetVertices()[i % sz].y);
160 QVector2D vec2 = QVector2D(hill.GetVertices()[(i + 2) % sz].x -
161 hill.GetVertices()[(i + 1) % sz].x,
162 hill.GetVertices()[(i + 2) % sz].y -
163 hill.GetVertices()[(i + 1) % sz].y);
165 double product = vec1.x() * vec2.y() - vec1.y() * vec2.x();
167 if (product == 0 || product / abs(product) != sign) {
168 std::string text = "There is non-convex polygon! Id: ";
169 text += std::to_string(hill.GetData().GetId());
170 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
171 }
172 }
174 // Проверка на то, что какой-то Target находится внутри или на Hill
175 for (const auto& target : manager_->GetTargets())
176 if (IsPointInsideHill(target.GetPoint(), hill.GetVertices())) {
177 std::string text = "There is Target in Hill! Id's: ";
178 text += std::to_string(target.GetData().GetId());
179 text += " and ";
180 text += std::to_string(hill.GetData().GetId());
181 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
182 }
183 }
void CheckIntersectionsBetweenHills()
Definition check_errors.cpp:47
bool IsPointInsideHill(lib::Point point, std::vector< lib::Point > vertices)
Definition check_errors.cpp:9
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckIntersectionsBetweenHills()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckIntersectionsBetweenHills ( )
47 {
48 if (manager_->GetHillsPtrs().empty()) return;
50 for (size_t i = 0; i < manager_->GetHills().size() - 1; i++) {
51 std::vector<math::Point> vec;
52 for (const auto& v : manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[i]->GetVertices())
53 vec.push_back(math::Point(v));
55 for (size_t j = i + 1; j < manager_->GetHillsPtrs().size(); j++) {
56 std::vector<math::Point> vec2;
57 for (const auto& v : manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[j]->GetVertices())
58 vec2.push_back(math::Point(v));
60 for (size_t k = 0; k < vec2.size(); k++) {
62 vec2[(k + 1) % vec2.size()]) ||
63 IsPointInsideHill(manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[j]->GetVertices()[k],
64 manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[i]->GetVertices())) {
65 std::string text = "There are intersections between Hills! Id's: ";
66 text +=
67 std::to_string(manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[i]->GetData().GetId());
68 text += " and ";
69 text +=
70 std::to_string(manager_->GetHillsPtrs()[j]->GetData().GetId());
71 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
72 }
73 }
74 }
75 }
Многоугольное препятствие
Definition obstacles.h:100
Definition adjacency_matrix.cpp:7
bool AreThereIntersections(const CircleObstacle &cr_obst, const Point &point1, const Point &point2)
Проверяет, пересекает ли отрезок, проведенный через две точки, окружность
Definition helpers_functions.cpp:224
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckIntersectionsBetweenTrappyCircles()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckIntersectionsBetweenTrappyCircles ( )
25 {
26 if (manager_->GetTrappyCircles().empty()) return;
28 for (size_t i = 0; i < manager_->GetTrappyCircles().size() - 1; i++) {
29 const auto trc = manager_->GetTrappyCircles()[i];
31 for (size_t j = i + 1; j < manager_->GetTrappyCircles().size(); j++) {
32 const auto trc2 = manager_->GetTrappyCircles()[j];
34 if (lib::DistanceBetweenPoints(trc2.GetCenter(), trc.GetCenter()) <
35 trc2.GetRadius() + trc.GetRadius()) {
36 std::string text =
37 "There are intersections between TrappyCircles! Id's: ";
38 text += std::to_string(trc.GetData().GetId());
39 text += " and ";
40 text += std::to_string(trc2.GetData().GetId());
41 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
42 }
43 }
44 }
double DistanceBetweenPoints(const Point &first_point, const Point &second_point)
Находит расстояние между двумя мат. точками
Definition point.cpp:27
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckTargets()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckTargets ( )
131 {
132 if (manager_->GetTargetsPtrs().size() > 30) {
133 std::string text = "There are too many Targets: ";
134 text += std::to_string(manager_->GetTargetsPtrs().size());
135 text += " > 30 \n";
136 text += "(sorry, but our algo is now to slow for more)";
137 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
138 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckTrappyCircles()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckTrappyCircles ( )
78 {
79 // Проверка на пересечения с другими TrappyCircle
82 if (manager_->GetTrappyCircles().empty()) return;
84 for (const auto& trc : manager_->GetTrappyCircles()) {
85 // Проверка на то, что какой-то Target находится внутри TrappyCircle
86 for (const auto& target : manager_->GetTargets()) {
87 if (lib::DistanceBetweenPoints(target.GetPoint(), trc.GetCenter()) <=
88 trc.GetRadius()) {
89 std::string text = "There is Target in TrappyCircle! Id's: ";
90 text += std::to_string(target.GetData().GetId());
91 text += " and ";
92 text += std::to_string(trc.GetData().GetId());
93 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
94 }
95 }
97 // Проверка на пересечения с Hill
98 for (const auto& hill : manager_->GetHillsPtrs()) {
99 std::vector<math::Point> vec;
100 for (const auto& v : hill->GetVertices()) vec.push_back(math::Point(v));
102 for (size_t k = 0; k < vec.size(); k++) {
104 math::CircleObstacle(trc.GetCenter(), trc.GetRadius()), vec[k],
105 vec[(k + 1) % vec.size()]) ||
106 IsPointInsideHill(trc.GetCenter(), hill->GetVertices()) ||
108 trc.GetCenter(), hill->GetVertices()[k]) < trc.GetRadius()) {
109 std::string text =
110 "There are intersections between TrappyCircle and Hill! Id's: ";
111 text += std::to_string(trc.GetData().GetId());
112 text += " and ";
113 text += std::to_string(hill->GetData().GetId());
114 throw std::invalid_argument(text);
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 }
void CheckIntersectionsBetweenTrappyCircles()
Definition check_errors.cpp:25
Круговое препятствие
Definition obstacles.h:58
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckTrappyLines()

void data_tools::PlotArea::CheckTrappyLines ( )
121 {
122 auto l = manager_->GetTrappyLinesPtrs().size();
123 auto n = manager_->GetTargetsPtrs().size() + amount_of_robots_ - 1;
124 if (l == 0) return;
126 // прекрасная формула
127 if ((pow(n, 2) - n) / 2 - l < n)
128 throw std::invalid_argument("There are too many TrappyLines here!");
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClearTrajectory()

void data_tools::PlotArea::ClearTrajectory ( )
33{ trajectory_->Clear(); }
void Clear()
Definition trajectory.h:56
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRobot()

gui::FlyingRobot * data_tools::PlotArea::GetRobot ( )
26{ return robot_.get(); }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTrajectory()

gui::Trajectory * data_tools::PlotArea::GetTrajectory ( )
28{ return trajectory_.get(); }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReDraw()

void data_tools::PlotArea::ReDraw ( )

Перерисовывает на полотне все объекты и обновляет данные

8 {
9 plot_->clearPlottables();
10 plot_->clearItems();
12 for (auto& target : manager_->GetTargetsPtrs()) target->Draw(plot_.get());
14 for (auto& hill : manager_->GetHillsPtrs()) hill->Draw(plot_.get());
16 for (auto& tr_circle : manager_->GetTrappyCirclesPtrs())
17 tr_circle->Draw(plot_.get());
19 for (auto& tr_line : manager_->GetTrappyLinesPtrs())
20 tr_line->Draw(plot_.get());
24 plot_->replot();
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReDrawTrajectory()

void data_tools::PlotArea::ReDrawTrajectory ( )

Перерисовывает на полотне траекторию

27 {
28 ReDraw();
30 try {
32 CheckHills();
37 trajectory_->Draw(plot_.get());
38 plot_->replot();
39 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
40 QMessageBox::warning(plot_.get(), "Cannot calculate trajectory!", e.what());
41 }
void CalculateTrajectory()
Расчет вектора сегментов по заданным объектам на полотне
Definition plot_area.cpp:44
void CheckTrappyCircles()
Definition check_errors.cpp:78
void CheckTrappyLines()
Definition check_errors.cpp:121
void CheckTargets()
Definition check_errors.cpp:131
void ReDraw()
Перерисовывает на полотне все объекты и обновляет данные
Definition plot_area.cpp:8
void CheckHills()
Definition check_errors.cpp:141
void Draw(QCustomPlot *plot) override
Отрисовывает фигуру на полотне
Definition trajectory.cpp:6
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetAmountOfRobots()

void data_tools::PlotArea::SetAmountOfRobots ( unsigned short amount)
37{ amount_of_robots_ = amount; }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetPlot()

void data_tools::PlotArea::SetPlot ( QCustomPlot * plot)

Устанавливает значение plot.

plotуказатель на полотно
21{ plot_.reset(plot); }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Setup()

void data_tools::PlotArea::Setup ( DataManager * manager)
6{ manager_.reset(manager); }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TrajectorySize()

size_t data_tools::PlotArea::TrajectorySize ( ) const
35{ return trajectory_->Segments().size(); }
std::vector< gui::Segment > & Segments()
Возвращает вектор сегментов
Definition trajectory.h:42
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ amount_of_robots_

unsigned short data_tools::PlotArea::amount_of_robots_ = 1

◆ manager_

std::unique_ptr<DataManager> data_tools::PlotArea::manager_

◆ plot_

std::unique_ptr<QCustomPlot> data_tools::PlotArea::plot_

◆ robot_

std::unique_ptr<gui::FlyingRobot> data_tools::PlotArea::robot_ {new gui::FlyingRobot()}
48{new gui::FlyingRobot()};
Класс, который позволяет анимировать движение робота
Definition flying_robot.h:13

◆ trajectory_

std::unique_ptr<gui::Trajectory> data_tools::PlotArea::trajectory_ {new gui::Trajectory()}
47{new gui::Trajectory()};
Фигура траектории облёта объектов на полотне
Definition trajectory.h:14

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